Newspaper Clippings
A collection of historical tidbits as early as 1853. Collected from various newspapers, you can search for your ancestors name by using the 'Search Site' tool above. Be sure to check back for updates.
Date: April 7, 1853
Location: Washington, D.C.
A CURE AND PREVENTIVE OF THE POTATO ROT. - Mr. H. Penoyer, of Union county, Illinois, gives the following as a certain cure and preventive of the Potato Rot, as well as being productive of an increase, and an improvement in the quality of the crop:
"Take one peck of fine salt, and mix it thoroughly with half a bushel of Nova Scotia plaster,/of gypsum, (the plasters is the best,) and immediately after hoeing the potatoes the second time, or just as the young potato begins to set, sprinkle on the main vines, next to the ground, a table spoon full of the above mixture to each hill, and be sure to get it on the main vines, as it is found that the rot proceeds from a sting of an insect in the vine, and the mixture, coming in contact with the vine, kills the effect of it before it reaches the potato."
Chicago Tribune - Feb 11, 1860
Whisky and Kidnapping.
Awful Death of John B. Jones and J. Curtly, the Union County Kidnappers.
Some days since we announced that John B. Jones, the Kidnapper-in Chief of Southern Illinois, had died very suddenly in the town of Anna. Our informant stated that Jones had become a victim of the whisky disease, and had fallen dead in the street - a fact which we did not feel warranted in publishing without further intelligence, since our informant had learned the news third party. We now find a letter in the Carlinville Free Democrat, dated Anna, Union county, Ill., Feb 3, 1860, which sets all at rest. It is as follows:
Yesterday we had a very striking example, illustrating the adage that the way of the transgressor is hard. There died here in this town a man by the name of John B. Jones, who had rendered himself notorious by the very active part he had taken in arresting runaway negroes, and more particularly as the leader in arresting the negro 'Jim," who was demanded on writ of habeas corpus, from Judge Caton, of Ottawa, and was there rescued and run off to Canada. This man Jones had a partner by the name of Curtly, who fully participated in all of his exploits, sharing the spoils equally; this Curtly, from the effects of exposure and bad whisky, was taken sick, and in eight days died, making just before his death, some very startling revelations, confessing that he was a murderer, that he had a wife and two children living, and many other things, which so frightened Jones that he fell on the floor fearfully convulsed, and never was sensible after, but lingered a week, and on the very same day and hour one week later, died the most horrible of all death, lying on the floor, (for they could not keep him on the bed), suffering almost the torture of the damned. He died as only those do who die of that fearful disease, the delirium tremeus. We went to his funeral. No one spoke a word of consolation to the bereaved family. He has left a wife - a nice woman - - and several daughters. No prayers were offered, no hymn chanted, but twelve or fifteen men went to the house, opened the coffin for his friends to take their last look; then placed it in the hearse, and immediately deposited it in the earth, there to await the final resurrection. "One and a half years ago," remarked a gentleman, "I heard that man deliver an excellent prayer and a good exhortation in the Methodist Church in this town." He was then considered an exemplary man, and as one of the pillars of the Church.
"The awful end of these two men will put an effectual check to the negro arresting at this point, as it has made the most daring tremble to witness this last closing scene of their lives, and the denunciation, 'as ye sow so shall ye reap,' is still ringing in their ears.
Chicago Tribune - Jun 2, 1862
Strawberries - H.N. Stanley, of 50 State Street, sends us three samples of delicious strawberries from Parker Earle, South Pass, Ill., Wm. M. Ware, Cold Spring, Ky., and L. H. Holbrook, Hoylton, Ill. All are luscious fruit.
Chicago Tribune - May 27, 1863
The following persons from Jonesboro, Ill., were discharged from the Military Prison at Cincinnati, on Saturday last, on taking the oath o allegiance: T.A. Braned, Robert D. Simpson, D.A. Rixelben, E.C. McKinney, A. McKinney, R.C. Pender, Richard Parish and James Provo. Quite a number from Dayton, Ohio, and Kentucky, were also discharged upon the same terms.
Chicago Tribune - Aug 8, 1863
United States Officer Killed at South Pass
On Tuesday evening last as J.P. Law, C. Fiss, and A. Camer were approaching a house, a few miles west of South Pass, in Union count, Ill, for the purpose of arresting a deserter, concealed there, they were fired upon by persons concealed on the premises, and Mr. Law instantly killed. From the number of shots, it is evident there were from six to ten men in the place. -News 6th
Chicago Tribune April 12, 1864
A fresh disturbance is announced in Union county in this State, where a soldier shot a merchant of Jonesboro, at Anna, Illinois, yesterday, killing him instantly. The affray caused great excitement in that vicinity, and the Provost Marshal at Cairo received a telegram for assistance to come immediately. A train was at once started with a force to prevent further bloodshed. Anna is some forty miles above Cairo on the Illinois Central.
Centralia Sentinel (Centralia, Illinois) 1865 March 23
Rare Chance - Fruit Farm For Sale.
Situated at Cobden, on the Ill. Central R.R. and containing 80 acres, 38 acres being cleared – 500 Peach trees, 4 years old, a fine apple orchard, good springs; an elegant two-story dwelling house in good repair, (the original) cost of which was $3000,) barn, (costing #300) besides other out houses, garden, etc., etc. The land itself is worth fifty dollars per acre. The buildings are insured for three years from Dec. 1864, for $2200 This place will be sold at a bargain – and any one desirous of locating on a good fruit farm will consider their own interests by examining it. For further particulars apply at this office. Centralia, March 2, 1865
Centralia Sentinel (Centralia, Illinois) 1865 December 28
Married in Cobden, on Monday, Dec. 25, 1865, by Rev. Mr. Brown MA. D.W. Parker of this city to Miss Fannie Wells of Haneville Wisconsin.
We were certain that the many excellent examples of the above nature that have been set before our friend Parker, would not be lost upon him, and that he would soon take to himself a partner to share his joys, sympathize in his afflictions, and be in all respects a true and devoted wife. Verily, Parker, thou has done Well.
Centralia Sentinel (Centralia, Illinois) 1866 August 23
The Southern Illinois Fruit Growers Association, will hold a fruit show at the rooms of the South Pass Horticultural Society in Cobden, commencing on Tuesday, September 4th. All fruit growers are respectfully invited to come, and bring specimens of fruit.
Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1867 August 15
Fruit – The amount of fruit raised In this part of Illinois immense One firm shipped from Cobden, last week, 832 boxes of peaches and their return was only $108. On the morning of the 4th , the fruit train of the Illinois Central left Cobden with twelve cars each containing 800 boxes of fruit This train also took one and a half car loads from Anna and six from Makanda – Anna Democrat, 8th
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) - 7/6/1871
Mr. J.G. Goodrich, of Cobden, Ill., from the 4th to the 25th of May, realized $1600 net from the sale of strawberries grown on six acres of land.
Chicago Tribune - Aug 12, 1873
Union County, ILL., Fair
Cairo, Ill., Sept, 11 - The Union County Fair is in full blast at Jonesboro. A grand good time is expected, and the farmers are bound to make a big show.
Chicago Daily Tribune 19 Feb 1874
Cowdery – At Cobden, ILL., Feb. 18, Mrs. Lucinda S. Cowdory, aged 40 years.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Apr 8, 1874
American Antiquities - Fruit and Wheat Pro??
To the Editor of the Chicago Tribune:
Sir: Mr. Thomas M. Perrine, of Anna, Ill., has, for the last five years, given his attention to the acquisition of American antiquities, and has dug from the ancient mounds and burial grounds of Southern Illinois the finest collection, perhaps, in the State. It is composed, in part, of agricultural implements formed out of that; pipes; jugs; faced and straight-necked arrows; bone and flint awls; axes; pestles; a stone tube a foot long, which sounds like a horn, and perhaps was used for calling ancient armies to battle; idols of various kinds; together with many curious things hard to name or divine the use of. In contemplating these vestiges of long-lost civilization, the mind is filled with longing desire to unravel the mystery that enshrouds the centuries prior to the discover of America by Columbus.
A few days since, as Mr. Perrine was exploring a well-known mound situated west of Anna, in Union County, he came upon a piece of sculpture that seems to have been a heathen god of great antiquity. The impression it gives the beholder is that of a man's head set upon an infant's body, with its legs bent under it, and a hand resting on each knee. It weighs 40 pounds, and is 13 inches high. The chin is prominent, mouth and nose large, and eyes full, with the perceptives large, and reflective faculties only medium. A braided crown, or garland, crosses the head, terminating in front of each ear. The rear portion of the cranium being entirely wanting, gives it a flat and uncomely aspect. Around the head and neck it bears evidence of considerable skill in design and polish, though the extremities are still marked with the sculptor's tools. It is formed out of solid, translucent rock, foreign to this continent. and at what remote period it was chiseled, must forever remain a mystery, as it has outlived the race that may have bowed in adoration before it.
The winter just past was of almost unexampled mildness, just the reverse of the previous two, and, although we looked for an early spring, we are having a late one. The peach-buds have been at a standstill for the last two weeks and have withstood the recent severe frosts that sent the thermometer to within 24 degrees of zero. The peach-crop now promises to be enormous; and this fact, in view of the death and destruction to orchards north of Centralia, wrought by last winter’s frosts, must have a tolling effect upon our finances. Apples, pears, and quinces are always safe when the peach is; so that we also look for a large yield in these departments. Owing to the severe droughts that prevailed during the two previous seasons, the number of strawberry-plants have been greatly lessened; but what are left look well, and owing to better cultivation, will doubtless yield larger berries than have yet been grown here. Grapes and raspberries look equally promising. The wheat never looked better; it is now 6 inches high, and its bright-green hue tells the tale of its luxuriance. Bell Inwin
Chicago Tribune - March 14, 1875
Fires. - At Dongola, ILL. March 13 - The flouring mill of Heibaur H. Schleigel, at Dongola, burned yesterday at 2 p.m. Loss, $8,000. No Insurance.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1875 - August, 25
The discovery of splendid bed of porcelain and fire clay is reported in Union County, in the vicinity of "The Tunnel," near Jonesboro.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1875 - Sep 1
The telegraph line of the Cairo & St. Louis Railroad Company has been finished from St. Louis to Jonesboro, and will be extended through to Cairo soon.
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) 1876 March 28
A correspondent of the Jonesboro (ILL) Gazette, writing from Cobden the centre of the fruit growing region of Southern Illinois, says:
The peaches have got another pin-back. The thermometer got down to ten degrees the first of the week, and though some peach buds still show vitality, it cannot be expected that any crop will be harvested. Of pears, the Duchess and Louise Bonne, have suffered. Some early apples, and especially the Red Astrachan, had been too venturesome and have gone to their reward. A good many people will have to cut off their newspapers and church subscriptions this year in order to keep up their whisky and cigar bills.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1877 - Sep 5
Thos. J. Watkins, said to be the Mayor of Jonesboro, was held to bail by the United States Commissioner, at Springfield, on the 28th, to answer to the charge of passing counterfeit money.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1878 Jan, 23
The people of Anna and Jonesboro proposed to put up a telephone between those towns.
Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1881 April 8
License and anti-license tickets are to be in the field at Cobden at the coming election.
Chicago Daily Tribune May 15, 1881
Anna, ILL., May 14 - The temporary barracks which are being erected for the patients at the Asylum were blown over to-day by a sudden and sever wind. One man, Kline by name, was injured in such a manner as to make his recovery doubtful.
Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1881 June 23
The Grange flour mill at Cobden recently bought by Emerson & Co. for $7000; burned; insured for $5,000.
The flouring mill of John Termison & Co., at Cobden, Union County, was burned. Loss, $6,800; insured for $5,000.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Sep 11, 1882
Ninety-Nine Years.
Sam Hazel, Who Whipped a Child to Death, Sent to the Penitentiary for a Year Less then a Century.
Anna, ILL., Sept 10 - At about 10 o'clock last night the jury in the Sam Hazel murder trial rendered their verdict, after being out some five hours, and the brutal child-murderer was sentenced by Judge D. M. Browning to the penitentiary for ninety-nine years. The trial occupied a week of the Circuit Court's time at Jonesboro, and much interest was manifested in it by people of all classes. It was clearly proven that Hazel whipped the child unmercifully with a cowhide riding-whip, and then kicked the little ?-year-old innocent from room to room until she was dead. He held back all who attempted to interfere by presenting a revolver at them. The Sheriff as soon as the sentence was delivered immediately removed the prisoner to Chester Prison, fearing mob violence.
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) 1882 November 3
The Alton Telegraph prints a letter from Champaign, ILL., from which the following is an extract:
The unexpected success of the manufacture of fine sugar from sorghum cane by the new process discovered here attracts more and more attention, and the works are frequently visited by prominent gentlemen from this and other States. Ex Gov. N.J. Colman, of Missouri, editor of the Western Rural; Parker Earle, of Cobden, the largest strawberry grower in the Stat. And M. P. Ayers, of Jacksonville, ILL., an expert in the business, were among the recent visitors. They declared that achievement one that will open up a most valuable new industry in the Northwest and add immensely to the resources of the agriculturists, or, as expressed by one of them “It is the greatest work developed in the Union this year.”
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) 1883 March 27
C.L. Otrich, Cobden, ILL., says: “Brown’s Iron Bitters give satisfaction to all who use it.”
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1888 - May, 15
One Gordon, who was recently whipped by white caps in Union county, died last week from the effects.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1888 - October, 3
A number of cattle are dying in Union county of what is thought to be Texas fever.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1888 - November, 7
There are 1677 dogs in Union County.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) - 11/14/1888
A fight at Cobden, Union County, a few days ago, between William Tweedy and Lynn Caveness was the starter for a pitched battle between the Caspers, six in number, on the other, which proved a serious affair, three men being dangerously injured and four badly hurt. The fight was with knives and stone, gathered from the railroad track, where the fight occurred, and grew out of an old feud. Miner Casper had three serious stabs with a knife; Wash Casper was stabbed twice in the right side; Yancey Andrews had his skull mashed in, and will die; Geo. Reich. Marsh Casper and Calhoun Caveness had badly cut heads.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1889 - Feb 20
Albert Crowell, residing near Jonesboro while trying to prevent a drunken companion from being killed by a train was himself run down by a car that was on the side track. Both his feet were cut off.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1889 - July 24
A bear at large in Union county is giving the residents a scare.
Two carloads of fruit and vegetables are shipped daily from Anna.
Decatur Morning Review (Decatur, Illinois) 1890 August 1
Wreck on the Illinois Central
Cobden, Ills., July 31 – A fruit train on the Illinois Central ran into the rear end of a construction train in a deep cut on a curve just above town, Wednesday. The engine of the fruit train was thrown from the track and turned completely around, while three cars loaded with melons were piled up on top. Ten cars were wrecked. The engineer of the fruit train jumped, after trying to sop his train. His right foot was badly injured. schools.
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) 1890 August 22
An Illinois Central Freight train ran into the sleeper of a passenger train which was delayed by a break in another freight train in front of it near Cobden yesterday. The sleeper was demolished. While many persons were slightly injured only on was killed – Charles Mitchell, the Freight conductor.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1891 October 14
Mrs. E Winhold, of Cobden, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Robinson.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1891 - Oct 28
Thos. G. Stokes, one of the leading farmers of Union county, and we might add one of the best fellows in the world, brought us in twelve large Irish potatoes raised on his place, and when we talk about big potatoes in Union county we mean big potatoes - about the size of ordinary pumpkins raised in other localities. The twelve potatoes weighed just fourteen pounds, and we want to know who can beat this for big potatoes. Bring your potatoes along, gentlemen, we have a large family capable of masticating the largest potatoes that can be grown even in Union count. - Anna Democrat
Cobden Sentinel - Thursday, February 18, 1892
Local News
From an inner consciousness of the eternal fitness of things and for the everlasting confusion of Jo Gill we hereby announce John McCaffrey, of Cobden, as a Democratic candidate for the office of Lieutenant Governor of Illinois, and may the Lord have mercy on the souls of the whole gang of the State at large.
Delicious pickled tripe at Arnold’s.
Souer Kraut at W.H. Kerr & Co’.s.
Sewing machines repaired. Call on Geo. Ede.
If you want a good healthy share, go to Barnett’s.
We had a call yesterday from Dykerman of Carbondale.
A bright boy wanted at this office to learn the printers’ trade.
Fenton wants some beeves and will pay good price for them.
Silas Sifford bought a bottle of medicine from the Kickapoos!!
James Crandall is selling large quantities of sweet potato barrels.
H.A. DuBois offers a fine young Poland-China male hog for sale.
Mull has lard cans of 3, 8, and 10 gallon sizes, and he sells them cheap.
For a long shave, a strong shave and a shave altogether, go to Barnett’s.
The Johnson & Stokes seeds are considered the most reliable of any in the market.
L.F. Morse, M.D. treats all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Cobden, Ill.
The remains of a grandchild of Mrs. Sperrv ? were brought here for interment on Tuesday.
If you want Castoria come now. I have a carload on the track.
H.A. DuBois
James Crandall has let down the roof of his warehouse, making the floor of a second-story that is to be built over it.
Station agent Roy can give you full particulars as to rates and the running of trains for the Mardi Gras next week.
If you want to know how to clean lamp chimneys go to Arnold and ask him to show a cheap little instrument he has for sale.
Mrs. Blake Broadway made a passenger train visit to Anna on Tuesday and a waiting freight train return with a few companions in slow misery.
Miss Emma B. Rendleman made the SENTINEL and its editor especially the latter – a pleasant call yesterday. Come often, Emma, and stay a great while.
If you want pure Castor Bean Pomace, ground or in the cake, give me your order at once. The supply is limited this season. Geo. H. Clark
Miss Emma B. Rendleman leaves next Wednesday for Hot Springs, not particularly for her own health, but to attend her sister who goes there for hers.
Dan Ede split one of his hands the other day while trying to split a stick of wood. Dan ought to be very careful when he is trying to split wood and not split his hand.
Mrs. Finley, whose death and burial we record to-day, was one of those persons who never made enemies, not because they are weak ciphers in the community, but because of an amiable nature and kindly spirit. She of whom we write was a mother and a sister to everyone with whom she came in contact. No one knew her but to respect and admire. Her life was one of many burdens but all were born with self-contained fortitude. Of all who gathered to pay a last respect to her remains, not one but felt that a friend had gone. The remains arrived here from Maywood, a suburb of Chicago, on the train Monday morning. Her son Julius alone came with the remains, her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Houts, being confined to her bed by sickness at Maywood. The services conducted by the Rev. J.C. Parsons were held at the Presbyterian church at 2 p.m., and interment made in the Cobden cemetery. The words spoken by the preacher were a feeling and just tribute to the worth of the departed.
Walnut Grove
Miss Emma Hillyer, of this place, is visiting friends at Jessen’s Mill.
Henry Penrod has returned from Missouri, and it is thought he will spend the summer with J.S. Kendleman, of this place.
George Hillyer has employed Sherman G. Farrer ? for the summer to help him on the farm.
During last week two ground hogs were c? near Mount Tabor church. One was very nice, and the one who caught it invited friends and they all partook of a ground hog dinner Sunday last, which is known as ground hog day.
The administrators of Willis Lamar’s estate selected Geo. Miller, John Crocker and Frank Coulter, to take invoice of stock in the Lamer store here in town. They have been at work since last Tuesday.
Professor Blankenship a colored school teacher and barber from Metropolis, has taken up his residence here and will open a barber shop if a suitable location can be found. The professor brings first class credentials.
Died – At Maywood, Illinois, at 5:30 o’clock p.m. Friday, February 12, 1892, Mrs. Eliza Barrows Finley, in the 74th year of age. The remains arrived here on Monday morning, and the funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church at 2 p.m.
The rain last Sunday prevented Rev. Walker from fulfilling his mission at Oak Grove church.
Mrs. Mary Zimmerman is very sick with LeGrippe.
Died, of LeGrippe, Feb 11, 1892, old man Higgin
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Black, formerly a resident of this community, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. T. J. Miller, who has been very sick but is now improving.
S.J. Lirely’s store house is about complete.
Wm. Vastine returned from an extended visit to Pine Bluff, Ark., last week. He gives a glowing account of the country.
Last week a man came to this town with a belt buckled around him containing a scabbard in which there was a dirk knife. Our Marshal arrested him for carrying concealed weapons. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, where upon the Marshal had him remove the knife. The man swore out a warrant for assault, for the Marshal. Such is life.
Makanda is still on the boom. Squire Hagler has built a very fine law office.
The February meeting of the Jackson County Teachers Institute convened at Makanda last Saturday with good attendance.
Frank Hopkins is contemplating building a business house here.
The Fruit Growers Shipping Association, of Makanda, met Feb. 6, and elected officers for the ensuing year. The officers are all good, reliable men, and large shippers. The meeting was poorly attended. J.C. Rendleman was elected car loader, so the (“has eens”) fifty cent men gloriously carried the day. More anou. Uncle Joe.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 4/27/1892
How They Voted
Anna will remain dry.
Mt. Vernon remains wet.
Olney went for license by one.
Virden voted for license by 37.
Shawneetown went anti-license.
Mt. Carmel voted license as usual.
Nashville went dry by a majority of 8.
Sorento went wet by a large majority.
Jonesboro voted 67 majority for saloons.
Cobden had public meetings, at which speakers attended from abroad and the result was the election of anti-license candidates by majorities ranging from 8 to 22.
Cobden Sentinel - September 1, 1892
Mrs. Ed Hoyt is here on a visit from Cairo.
Mrs. Estelle Crandall came home from Iowa last week.
H.A. DuBois has Pratt’s chicken and home feed for sale.
Willis Sumner has a fine four year old buggy horse for sale.
Miss Nina ? Lufkinm?, of Anna was the guest of Miss Grace Linnell Sunday.
Miss Lena Thompson, of Carbondale, is the guest of Miss Lizzie Lawrence.
W. P. Mesler was slightly under the weather this week, but is all O.K. now.
Mrs. Martin, of Bloomington, is visiting her parents, Mr. And Mrs. H. Crandall.
B.M. Linnell left Monday for Chicago, after a few weeks visit with home folks.
Frank Sperry is on the streets of Cobden shaking hands with his many friends.
Ex. Gov. Jno. M. Hamilton will address the people at the Carbondale Fair Thursday, Sept. *.
The camp fire of the G.A.R. came off on last Tuesday, but it is said the attendance was not large.
Positively on each day of the Carbondale Fair. 4 big races, grand balloon and parachute drop.
Mrs. Dr. Morse ?? was called to Matton Friday to attend the funeral of her aunt, who has been sick for quite awhile.
The Misses Florence Linnell, Luia Bridges, and Lizzie Lawrence spent last Thursday and Friday visiting Anna.
Van Holladay is tearing all the surplus part to the old Beale Mill away and will build o? And make extensive repairs.
The fruit-grower who neglects to get one of Clegg’s Shipping Records makes a mistake. They are for sale at his office, at ?
Miss Jennie Barr, of Carbondale our assistant principal for the next term, was in town Monday making some arrangements regarding her school.
Mrs. Chas. Wright and family left this morning for Centralia, where they are to make their home hereafter. Miss Mattie Wicker went along, much to the regret of so and so.
Ex Gov. Coleman speaks next Wednesday – Democratic Day – at the Carbondale fair. If possible, arrangements will be made to have the vestibule train stop here for passengers in the morning.
Messers. Housten Holloman, Fred Carlisle, and Allister Towne, and Miss Lizzie Rich left ? fast mail Monday for Dixon, Ill., where they will attend school this coming year.
The Chicago excursion next Tuesday will be by the regular 6:13 p.m. train, Makanda 6:30. Round trip tickets from Cobden and Makanda $7.00 and good to return until and including, Saturday Sept. 17.
We had a call last week from Capt. Bailey, wife and daughter Ora, from Makanda. From the little toddler as we once knew her. Miss Ora has grown into a bright, fascinating and intellectual young lady.
The pains of a severe attack of lumbago are no aid to newspaper work, but it is under such conditions that we have brought out both papers this week. The editorials show hast and poor work, but they will have to go.
Blake Broadway received his steam launch – otherwise, ocean greyhound – last Monday. It is a very neat craft and well adapted to ride the heavy swells that prevail on his lake and to carry the Cobden swells that may take passage on her.
A large number of people gathered to the festival at the house of Geo. McPass on Tuesday night, for the benefit of the Rev. Mr. Alden. Those who were present represent it as one of the best they ever attended. The receipts were very large.
Carbondale Democrats are expecting a big day for Wednesday, Sept 7. Hon. Norman J. Coleman, one of Ex-President Cleveland’s Cabinet officers will be present and address the people. The last mail or No.4 will stop at Cobden and Makanda on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the Carbondale Fair.
The next time the Republicans have a meeting here and invite the Anna glee club we hope they will show the courtesy enough to give them a seat, and not compel them to stand up throughout the meeting, as they did when Yates spoke here.
I want to sell my entire stock of ready made clothing, comprising full lines. They came from the manufactory less than four months ago, and I will sell them for less than the manufacturer’s prices, as I wish to go out of the ready made clothing line. H.A. DuBois
Next Wednesday is Democratic day at the Carbondale Fair. The Hon. Juman J. Colman will deliver the address Thursday will be Republican day, and the Ex-Gov. Hamilton will be the speaker. Cobden ought to be well represented both days.
Unreadable .... We hope to see Mr. Alden called here as pastor after he completes his course of study.
S. F. Stanberry has returned to his “cage” on the Sentinel, which he was forced to abandon about two years ago on account of illness. He is a great deal better now, and things seem kinder sort o’ natural with him and his inseparable “pardner” manipulating the mechanical department again.
The cholera has reached England and it is feared has made its appearance in New York, as there has been one or two suspicious cases. The season is too late for it to make much headway in this country this year, but it may effect lodgment on our shores, and be ready for a spring campaign. It would be bad for the World’s Fair next summer.
There will be a musical sociable at the house of Mrs. James Bell, on Tuesday night next. Miss Maud Bittenhouse and others from Cairo and parties from Anna will also be present and contributions to the entertainment, which will? of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, etc. As admittance fee will be charged and the proceeds devoted to preparing the Presbyterian parsonage for occupancy by the Rev. J.C. Parsons family. P.S. and N.B. Anybody that leaves the house famished for the want of the substantial’s of life, will have himself to blame.
It is rather strange that the Union county agricultural board should decide not to have a fair at Jonesboro this year. The Union county fair has always been a success and why the managers should drop it this year is passing strange. We suppose they have decided not to have a fair this year, as we have heard nothing about it, and A.D. Linnell and Finley Stanbery, employees of this office, and both with families, have neither heard anything about a fair, and of course we should all have heard about it if there was to be a fair. It will be a great disappointment to a good many people.
Some three or four weeks ago there appeared in the Chicago Inter Ocean a letter purporting to have been written in Anna, and in which, among other foolish things was an attack upon this paper. The general belief was that it was written from Anna, and sharing that belief we retorted with some severity upon the supposed author. It appears we were mistaken in the authorship. The letter was written by the foreman of this office when he was in its employ and paid for his fidelity to the office well as for this work. People will form their own opinion of the integrity of the man who thus betrays the confidence of his employer. We owe an humble apology to anyone who believed himself fired at in our retort to the letter in the Inter Ocean.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 9/7/1892
In the town of Venice and Madison Mrs. Ella Winhold, of Cobden, and her sister, Mrs. Emma Trimble, of Fort Collins, Colo., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, to be present at the marriage of their sister, Miss May, which will occur Wednesday evening.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1892 - July 20
A vein of porcelain or china clay twenty to thirty feet thick has been discovered in Union county. A quantity of it has been set to Sweden and tested by expert manufacturers and is pronounced equal, if not superior, to any in the world for porcelain and china ware. When ready for shipment it is worth $20 per ton. In addition to this mine of wealth immense beds of chalky kaoline have been discovered.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1892 - August 17
Ella, daughter of Henry Cruse, a farmer living in the Mississippi bottoms, in the northwestern part of Union county, the other day shot herself with a target rifle, the ball passing through her body near the heart, inflicting a wound from which she died. The girl ran away from home because she had trouble with her step-mother, and when caught and brought back and whipped by her father she shot herself. She was only about 14 years of age.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Chicago, Illinois 24 May 1895
Poole – Suddenly, May 20, 1895, Amos Poole, in the 81st year of his age, at Cobden, ILL. Buried at Milton, Mass. Boston papers please copy.
Cobden Sentinel - February 23, 1893
Local News
I desire to announce to the public of East and West Cobden precincts, through the columns of The SENTINEL, (as it would be impossible for me to see all personally), that by solicitation of many friends I have con??ieded to make the race for appointment as Postmaster here when a vacancy occurs, subject to informal Election called for February 25th, 1893, by Precinct Committee. Respectfully D. H. Vancil
We are authorized to announce W.B. Smith as a candidate for Road Commissioner for Road District No. 4 Cobden Precinct, Union County.
We are authorized to announce John Ferrill as a candidate for Road Commissioner for Road District No. 1 Cobden Precinct, Union County.
We are authorized to announce Adolph Flann as a candidate for Road Commissioner for Road District No. 3 Cobden Precinct, Union County.
Little Laurie Arnold is sick.
Majestic range cook books for sale by James Fowley.
H.A. DuBois has carload of oats and one of Hay.
Baled straw for bed ticks ? for sale by JBB Broadway.
Finley Stanberry is having a rather hard tussie with fever.
About four inches of damp heavy snow fell Monday night.
A secret is something to tell everybody and lie about afterwards.
Flags were hoisted yesterday in honor of Washington’s birthday.
Mrs. Lizzie DuBois returned home from Coulterville last Tuesday.
C.G. Turner of DuQuoin Marble and Granit Works, is in town today.
Winter has not done much lingering in the lap of spring this time. It has found a very good seat in its own lap so far.
Every woman can be her own dressmaker by buying Butterick’s patterns at Evett & Roberts
Fruit commission men are on hand, on their flight South. They make this place their resting place for a few days.
There are five churches in this place, and if a little Christianity could be found to go with them, our town would be nicely fixed.
The sugar maples are furnishing more sap than usual this year. The cold weather has proved favorable for maple sugar amateurs.
W.J. Rich, not Chapman, as reported last week, has moved into George Miller’s house. Chapman has moved into a house belonging to Dr. Goodman.
Wanted – A tenant family. Have work for a whole family. Work will be furnished through the winter. Have a suitable house. Enquire at this office.
Joe Price says he wishes Ed Sterrett would subscribe for the Sentinel, as he only takes one copy himself and that won’t go around without wearing out.
The candidates for the post office were so plentiful in town last Saturday that they obstructed the sidewalks and the ladies had to walk in the muddy streets.
B.F. Mangold has taken the contract for building the new Presbyterian church. Work will be commenced as soon as spring weather makes its appearance.
Darby Mayfield has got a new supply of Mead’s Catarrh Cure. The medicine has done good work and made a name for itself in this community. See Darby about it.
A letter received yesterday from Crystal spring, Miss., states that there will be 1,000 acres planted out to tomatoes there this year if nothing happens to the early plants in the beds.
Bell expects a tailor to commence work for him in about two weeks. Persons wanting clothes cut and made to order, should not forget to give their patronage to a home institution.
Geo. Ede is indulging in pet poultry. He has lately got a pair of Indian Games n pair of Jacobin Doves, and a pair of Black Tumbler Pigeons. The whole lot are new breeds to this community.
We have not fully decided yet on which side of the railroad to have the post office put when it is removed.
Mrs. Edith Bell is agent for Madam Williamson’s corsets. She takes measurements and assures a good fit. They will be furnished at St. Louis prices. Ladies who need corsets will do well to see Mrs. Bell at the home of Mrs. Ed Buck.
The Asiatic cholera has made its appearance among the dogs in this place, and several dogs have fallen victims to it. The cars have also killed two recently, and if this fatality continues a few months there will be more people than dogs in this place. What are we coming to?
A new sidewalk for the SENTINEL office has been laid, and it was badly needed. A sidewalk from the Wm Wallace house to the forks of the road by THE SENTINEL farm is very much needed. We may get lost in the mud there some day, and then what will become of THE SENTINEL?
Correspondents will confer a favor by crossing their t’s, dotting their I’s and spelling out words in full. It is sometimes nearly impossible to make out the meaning of words where these matters are not attended to by correspondents, and it greatly delays the work of the compositors in trying to decipher them.
A considerable surprise has been expressed at the mildness we showed in relating last week the vandalism in the SENTIEL chicken coup. We are mad, now, and this is what we have got to say to the villain that did the work. You _ ________!** ___*___?______ ____________; __________!!!! __ __ ____** __ ___. There, now, a man who will take such a cussing as that ought to be hung.
Died – At the home of her daughter Mrs. M.M. Doty, on the morning of the 22nd of February, 1893 Mrs. P.P. Hathaway. The deceased was born in Batavis, Genesse county, New York, July 15, 1819, being 73 years, 7 months and 7 days old. A peaceful, quiet life peacefully and quietly closed; to day she has solved a mystery which lies before all man and womankind.
The Chicago papers have been doing a good work in warning country people against the wiles of various parties in that city who send out circulars announcing hotels for the accommodation of visitors to the World’s Fair. Most, and perhaps all of them, want an advance payment in cash to secure the accommodation. Probably every news paper in the country has received proposals o act as agents. All the advice needed is – beware!
Post office Election Next Saturday
In the election for postmaster next Saturday there will be no circle on the ticket, but a square to the left of each name. The voter will place a cross X, in the square opposite the name of the person for whom he wishes to vote, and that ballot will be counted for him. No cross should be placed in the square opposite the names that the voter does not wish to vote for. These directions appear so plain that it hardly seems possible that any mistake can be made. The following are the names that will appear on the ticket, (minus the squares) and in the order in which they were handed in: Wm. J. Rich, D. H. Vancil, B.F. Ross, W.P. Green, Eli Mull. If there are any mistakes in the names the corrections must be handed in to this office immediately that they may be made before the ballots are printed.
Hon. P.H. Kroh was at home last week.
J.M. Detrich was in Murphysboro Saturday.
? Mullin, Jr., is quite sick – at this writing.
We are glad to know that Gov. Altgeld is returned restored to health.
Irvin Brothers with their magic ?ern, have departed.
W. Coleman has gone to Springfield ? make a place in the State House.
Ed Walton had five fine sheep killed by ? unknown dogs last Thursday.
W.C. Rich Jr., our wide awake Sherriff ? calling on the people for their taxes.
Vinson Hale, who is employed at the Kankakee Hospital, is at home on a two weeks vacation.
Chas. O’Neal has his crew at work on the Odd Fellow’s Temple. We hope to see it complete soon.
We hope it won’t be long until Dr. Lence will have the appointment to Anna Hospital in his hands.
Our Legislature should pass a law to protect the farmers’ sheep, instead of protecting a few Wild deer that cross the Mississippi River to visit Illinois.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1895 - Sep 3
Southern Illinois Fair Closes with a Dastardly Crime.
Anna, Aug. 31 - The southern Illinois fair closed here with a brutal and cowardly murder. John Jones, a notorious citizen of this place, beat and kicked to death a woman named Mendenahl. Jones had an eating stand on the fair grounds and Mrs. Mendenahl was cooking for him. She asked for her pay and an altercation ensued which ended by Jones knocking her down and kicking her so that she died in an hour. Mrs. Mendenahl was a respectable woman and had a husband and children. Jones was promptly arrested and is in the county jail at Jonesboro. He killed a man named Champion here about twelve year ago and served six years in the penitentiary.
Daily Republican – Decatur, IL 1895 – November 12
The will of the late J.B. Coulter the aged farmer who was murdered at his home near Cobden, ILL., Monday night; was filed for probate Saturday. He leaves an estate of about $15,000, equally divided between a brother and his housekeeper, excepting five dollars which he leaves to his son, F. M. Coulter.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1895 - Dec 11
Union county farmers have been shipping persimmons to the Chicago market and secured fancy prices
Daily Republican – Decatur, IL 1895 – December 14
Murder Trial at Cobden Stops.
Anna, Il., Dec. 13. – The preliminary trial at Cobden of Calvin Rains, charged with the murder of old man Coulter, his employer, came to an abrupt end this morning. A number of witnesses had been examined, but their testimony, though damaging to the defendant, was purely circumstantial. The lawyers on both sides reached an agreement to close the examination without further testimony and without argument. Justice Stausberry considered the evidence sufficient to hold Rains, and he was committed to jail without bail.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Dec 25, 1895
Anna, Ill., Dec. 24. - (Special.) In a drunken fight on the depot platform at Alto Pass E. Lameson, a butcher, was beaten over the head with a club by C.A. Johnson, the village Marshal. Lameson died yesterday afternoon. Johnson skipped out a few hours before his victim died. Johnson's two sons are under arrest charged with participation in the crime.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Dec 25, 1895
Gets "Pot Shot" at Ten Men
Alto Pass, Ill., Marksman Engaged in Match Forgets Gun is cocked and Fires into Crowd
Alto Pass, Ill., Dec. 23 - (Special) Ten men were sounded by accidental discharged of a shot gun in the hands of Martin Batson at a shooting match near this place this afternoon. Abe Norton, a farmer, was shot in the head and face. James Broker, Henry Craft, Norman Rushing, Harry Bridgeman, Clarence Pirtle, John Burns, and John Crips were wounded. The men were twenty-five yards from Batson who was resting his gun across his arm and forgetting the gun was cocked pulled the trigger.
Daily Republican – Decatur, IL 1896 – April 10
At his home three miles west of Cobden, ILL., John S Rendleman, aged 88 years died Wednesday. He was the only survivor of the Black Hawk war in Union County. He was born and reared in the county near where he died.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1896 - May 22
John D. Jones, who stamped to death in a fit of brutal anger Mrs. Mendenball, at the Union county fair at Anna last fall was hanged at Murphysboro Wednesday. He admitted the righteousness of his conviction and professed repentance for the bad life he had led, and asked the living to take warning from his fate when the trap was sprung he dropped to death without a tremor. The lively Murphsboro Independent published it's weekly in two editions in order to give its readers the news of the execution at the earliest possible time.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1896 - July 10
Monroe C. Crawford, nominee for lieutenant governor, was born in Franklin county, on May 26, 1846. His boyhood days were spent on his father's farm in that county. He received his early education in the public schools, and afterward attended McKendree College for a brief period. The degree of Bachelor of Law was conferred upon him by the University of Tennessee. From Franklin county he went to Waynesboro, Union county, in 1859. In 1860 he was elected states attorney for the third district, which office he held for four years. In 1867 he was elected judge of the circuit court, and served in this capacity for two terms. In 1894 he was elected county judge of Union county, and has since held that office. He is decidedly in favor of the free coinage of gold and silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. He has served on term as Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge for the state of Illinois he is a member of the Methodist church in Jonesboro.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1897 - April 27
T.F. Bouton, the veteran editor of the Gazette, died suddenly at his home in Jonesboro, Friday night. He was engaged in a social game of whist with the County Clerk J.H. Hilbolt, D.W.C. Lence, Judge M.C.Crawford, in Judge Crawford's office at the court house, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis, which resulted in death a few hours later. He was 65 years of age and had been editor of the Gazette since 1865.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 2/1/1898
The farmers in the vicinity of Cobden demonstrated last year what can be done on the farm aside from growing wheat. The Journal gives the aggregate shipment of fruit and vegetables from Cobden for 1897 as 1,259 car loads of 20,000 pounds each. There were of sweet potatoes 298 cars, berries 128 cars The rest was made up of asparagus, peaches, melons, apples, pears, spinach, cherries beans and other fruits and vegetables
Edwardsville Intelligencer - 3/18/1898
A Large number of tomato growers met at Cobden Tuesday to organize an association to control the shipment of tomatoes from Southern Illinois. The step is deemed necessary by growers on account of the enormous acreage which will be planted. It has been estimated that if a line were drawn across the state 60 miles north of Cairo there will be raised in the territory south of that 100 car loads of tomatoes for daily shipment during the season.
….. According to the figures of last year’s fruit corp., Southern Illinois is rapidly coming to the front. Cobden is the largest shipping point, with 1,250 cars…………
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1898 - July 8
Three boys from Jonesboro - Robert Crowell, Robert Aldrich and George Hileman were struck by an Illinois Central train at Anna Monday and the two former were instantly killed.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1898 - July 26
The contract for music at the Southern Illinois Fair at Anna has been awarded to the Egyptian Band of Cobden. The band will be composed of 20 musicians and will furnish music three days for $75.
Chicago Daily Tribune August 26, 1898
Marriage Licenses
Herman Pulo, Mary Flamm of Cobden, ILL
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) 1901 March 12
Disease Continues to Rage in Many Different Parts of Illinois
Dr. Egan, secretary of the ___? Board of health, has received information in the effect that cases have developed in several towns in the state not heretofore reported. He is in receipt of information that there are several cases in Belleville township, Also cases reported at Cobden,…
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) 1902 January 17
Worked All Night
But Cracksman Failed to Get Into Strong Box of Cobden Bank
Bound and Gagged Marshal
Hat Left Behind Indicates Gang Was From Chicago – News From Illinois
Carbondale, IL., Jan. 14. – A bold but unsuccessful attempt at bank robbery occurred this morning at Cobden, eight miles south. Nine men bound and gagged the night marshal and took him into the bank, when the attempted to open the safe. They worked diligently until near daylight, but were unable to get into the inner vault before the approach of day. Several clues to the gang have been secured, among them a hat left by one of the robbers which bears a Chicago mark. The men are professional, judging by the deliberateness of their work.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Jan 5, 1902
Young Girls Adventure Among Horse Traders
Six years ago Effie Gipson, 14 years old, a half-sister of Richard Ferguson of Alto Pass, Ill., was abducted from her relatives here by her stepfather, Jake Wooten. He compelled her to travel over the country with a band of horse trader, threatening to kill her if she attempted to leave him.
??? one day, near Mason, Ky., Wooten and a companion, both under the influence of liquor, dropped a $5 note while counting their money and reeled away from camp, leaving Effie alone, she seized the opportunity and the money and hastened to the village. There was no railroad at Mason, and fearing Wooten would catch her she hired a livery rig and was driven from there to Covington, Ky. There, her money exhausted she was compelled to seek work, and spent a year in the employ of a Covington family.
A short time ago she returned to her relatives in Alto Pass, who believed her dead. She is now attending her first term of school.
That she endured the abuses and hardships heaped upon her by Wooten with no disastrous results to either her physical or moral nature is a remarkable fact. Wooten, she says, often compelled her to peddle trinkets, feigning a crippled hand or foot to excite sympathy. Many a night she slept alone by the roadside or in some deserted cabin, where an ordinary girl of her age would almost have died of fright. But, although she can fearlessly spend the night alone in some forsaken cabin in the woods, the sight of a canvas-covered wagon terrorizes her, for she fears that Wooten may be hunting her down.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Aug 31, 1902
Girl Runs Newspaper
Although but 19 years of age, Miss Agnes Lameson has complete charge of the Alto Pass (Ill.) Progress. Her labors do not consist merely of telling others what work is to be done and how they shall go about it. She is not that sort of newspaper woman, for she is a thorough printer and knows the business of conducting a country paper from A to Z. Miss Lameson is editor of the Progress. She also fills the many other positions which attach to the editorial chair of a country weekly. She furnishes the copy, sets the type, runs the job press, is business manage, job printer, collector, solicitor, and if necessary on publication day rolls up her sleeves and swings the cumbersome lever of an old fashioned Washington hand press, She fills the onerous position of "devil," manipulates the shooting sticks, presides over the "hell box", and incidentally does her own bouncing and currying when irate subscribers drop into the "sanctum" to kick because no mention has been made of the birth of Bill Jones' twins. Miss Lameson rather delights in dealing with indignant and unreasonable subscribers, and keeps a heavy cane always within reach for use in emergencies where words do not serve her purpose.
The young woman was installed as editor and chief laborer in the Progress office several months ago, and since that time has proved that man is a superfluous article in this world so far as the work of getting out a country paper is concerned. In addition to the practical knowledge she has of the "art" of printing, she knows how to handle her constituency. She can trade subscriptions for cord wood and homemade molasses as cleverly as a "veteran at the wheel," and has a system distinctively her own for dealing with people who forget the editor for two or three years and then sail into the office under full steam complaining of the way the paper is being run. She usually greets all such with a smile, and if this fails to work she reaches for her trusty club. This usually closes the incident.
There is nothing connected with a country printing office that Miss Lameson cannot do. She is an athletic type of young woman, with black hair and brown eyes that do a good deal of talking for her. She believes in work, and when compelled to manipulate the heavy rolling hand press she plunges into the task without complaining. She is 5 feet 8 inches tall and has a well proportioned, erect figure that seems to have profited by the hand press training. What is more, she has a well developed "nose for news," and keeps well posted on the happenings in and about Alto Pass.
Miss Lameson is a graduate of the public schools of that town and last year attended the State university at Champaign. Before that she taught school and worked in the printing office during the summer months. In this way she gained her knowledge of the trade.
Note: Agnes's parents were Everett & Sarah L nee Harrell Lameson. They were married Feb 22 1882. In the 1900 Census, Agnes is living in Alto Pass, District 92 with her mother Sarah (b. Aug 1865) and her brother William (b. May 1894). Agnes was born in May 1881 her occupation is listed as Apprentice Printer.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Jan 22, 1903
H.T. Eastman, inventor of the locomotive pilot, and who helped to build the first railroad in Ohio, is 83 years of age. He lives at Alto Pass, Ill.
Chicago Daily Tribune - March 4, 1903
Tomatoes and Peaches Dead. Cold Weather Kills Buds and Young Plants in Southern Illinois - Strawberries Are Late.
Alto Pass, Ill., March 3 (Special) The recent cold weather killed the peach buds in southern Illinois and about half of the young tomato plants. Tomato growers will resow part, but the crop will be light and late. Fruit solicitors report the Louisiana Strawberry crop three weeks late.
Chicago Daily Tribune - June 1, 1903
Pines in Southern Illinois. Remarkable Grove in Egypt, Near Alto Pass, Where Wildcats are the only Inhabitants.
Alto Pass, ILL., May 31 - The statement that Oregon, Ill., has the only pine grove in Illinois is not true, as there is a grove of pines seven miles west of here, which fives that location the name of Pine Hills.
It is one of the wildest spots in Egypt. Pine trees and wildcats comprise the inhabitants. The hills are so steep and high that in climbing them one can easily imagine oneself among the mountains. One can stand on the top of the hills "in the shadow of the pines" and command a view of many of the towns of southern Illinois.
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) 1903 June 16
Cobden Officials Resign
Because the Only Method of Raising Money Has Been Denied Them.
Cobden, IL., June 13 – Unable to raise money to pay the city’s debt and expenses the mayor and three aldermen, comprising a majority of the city government have resigned. The city recently voted to close saloons and the officials could see no way for raising sufficient revenue for the city’s needs unless permitted to sell saloon license.
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) 1903 June 19
The mayor and council at Cobden, Ill., have struck. Being prevented from issuing salon licenses there was no money in the treasury. They, therefore, indulged in a walk out.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Nov 29, 1903
Residence at Alto Pass, Ill., Burned
Alto Pass, Ill., Nov 28 - The residence of H.W. Rendleman, with furniture, was burned last midnight. The companies interested are : On building, Security of Rockford, Ill., $2,000; on furniture, same company, $400; North American, $400
Chicago Daily Tribune - Nov 16, 1904
Fees Minister: Skips Wedding Failure of Groom to Appear After Paying Preacher in Advance Blocks Marriage at Alto Pass, Ill.
Alto Pass, Ill., Nov 15 - After having paid the minister his fee in advance, the prospective groom of Miss Nettie Tweedy failed to appear at her home for the ceremony today. After Miss Tweedy had waited and worried herself into nervous collapse the guests took the hint and went home.
Chicago Daily Tribune - Dec 6, 1905
Found 'Lost' Man, Disappears
John Hardin, who left Alto Pass, Ill., 19 Years Ago, Fails to Keep Tryst with Son at Morehouse, Mo.
Alto Pass, Ill., Dec 5. - John Hardin, who disappeared from his home here nineteen years ago and recently was located at Morehouse, Mo., again is lost. When his son, William Hardin arrived at Morehouse yesterday Hardin the elder had disappeared, leaving no trace. It was learned he lived there eighteen years and married without having secured a divorce from his first wife, who still lives in this city, and that he had two children by his second wife, one 10 years old the other 8. The mother is dead and the children gone with their father. No reason was ever known for his leaving here.
Cairo Evening Citizen - October 11, 1906
Two Young Men Killed At Anna
Were Walking on Track When Struck by Train.
Anna, Ill., - Isaac Rendleman, aged 22, and Harry Trammel, 18, were instantly killed here yesterday while on their way to work. They were walking on the north-bound track of the Illinois Central railroad and stopped on a pass track out of the way of an incoming passenger train, but immediately in front of a freight train backing on the sidetrack. Both young men were horribly mangled. A coroner's inquest exonerated the railroad employees from all blame. Young Rendleman leaves a wife and Trammel was a son of Wesley Trammel, a teamster. The father of young Trammel was picked up for dead not 200 yards from where his son met death, in a railroad accident twenty-five years ago, being struck by a passing train while hauling ice.
Chicago Tribune - Nov 11, 1909
Save Negro From Lynching
Cairo Officials Take Black to Safe Place, Dodging Crowd. Chief Stops Two Mobs. Snatching Mask off Leader's Face, He prevents Attack on Jail.
Cairo, Ill., Nov. 10 - (Special) Will James the negro charged with the murder of Miss Anna Pelley, was taken out of Cairo tonight to prevent a possible lynching. It is thought he will be placed in jail at Murphysboro. The negro was taken away from the crowd surrounding the jail by a ruse. Sheriff Davis and one deputy boarded the train at the depot while the negro was still in jail, thus throwing the crowd off. Then the patrol wagon was driven close to the jail, when Chief of Police Egan and three officers rushed out with James, placed him in the wagon, and drove rapidly to Fourteenth street, where the train was stopped and the negro put on board in charge of the sheriff. Information has been received here saying Sheriff Davis took James off the train at Dongola, Ill., to avoid a mob which had formed at Anna to lynch him. Anna was the former home of Miss Pelley. The sheriff and two assistants took the negro into the woods to hide him. It is reported he will be brought back to Mound City, eight miles above Cairo, and placed in the Pulaski county jail.
Chief Stops Two Mobs
Before daylight today Chief of Police Egan was twice called upon to appeal to crowds of men and boys who had started towards the city hall. In one case he tore a mask from the face of a man who seemed to be the leader of the gathering, and then prevailed upon the others to disperse, pleading that the evidence against James was only circumstantial. He planned to use similar tactics tonight, but orders were issued to prevent the gathering of crowds.
James still refuses to confess he knows anything about the murder, but several points were brought out today against him. It was proved that the gag cloth found in Miss Pelly's mouth had been used by James as a handkerchief, and James was unable to account for himself on the night of the murder.
Bloodhounds Follow the Trail
Half a dozen tests by bloodhounds made before daylight also seem to convict James. They followed the same route and wound up at the cottage at 2515 Poplar street, where "Lovey" Green, the arrested negress, lives, and where James acknowledged having visited on the night of the murder. From the cottage the dogs followed the scent to the ice factory, where James worked, and from there to the restaurant, where he med Mrs. Green. The dogs then were given the trail at Twenty-sixth and Commercial streets, where James was arrested yesterday. They rushed over the route by which the negro was taken to jail.
The funeral of Miss Pelley will be held tomorrow. Services will be held here in St. Patrick's church in the morning, after which the body will be taken to Anna, Ill., and services held at St. Mary's church in the afternoon.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1914 - May 28
Mrs. James Lafferty Victim of a Sudden Stroke. She Was for some years a resident of Edwardsville.
Rev. James R. Sager, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city received this morning from Dr. H. Magill stated clerk of the St. Louis Presbytery, notification of the death of the wife of a former local pastor, Mrs. Milla F. Lafferty, widow of the Rev. James Lafferty, died on Wednesday of last week, May 20 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Casper, at New Burnside, this state. While going about the house, attending to her usual affairs, she was stricken with apoplexy, and within twenty minutes had passed to her rest. She was in her 82nd year. The body was interred at Cobden, beside that of her husband, who died on January 6, 1899 at Washington, Mo. where he was the minister of the Presbyterian church. Rev. Rafferty was for some years in charge of the Presbyterian church of Edwardsville, and he and his wife lived in the brick building at the corner of Main and West College, where the Wildey theatre now stands. Mrs. Lafferty was a godly woman, who is remembered with affectionate interest by members of the local congregation and residents generally. In speaking of her this morning Rev. Sager said: "Her life was a benediction to her family and all who knew her. She served her Lord well here in life and now enters the higher service."
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1915 - March 27
Anna - John C. Lewis, private banker of Alto Paso has been indicted by the union county grand jury on five counts, charging embezzlement. Lewis conducted a private bank at Also Paso for several years and made an assignment about two months ago for the benefit of his creditors. The indictments are based upon the statute making it embezzlement for a banker to receive deposits knowing the bank to be insolvent His bond was fixed at $200 on each count.
Note: the Alto Paso is not a typo, though I assume they meant Alto Pass.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1915 - Dec 29
Cobden - William C. Rich, aged 96, reputed to be a millionaire, died at his home near Cobden. He was born in Alabama in 1819 and then moved to Cobden in 1834. He had been marshal, constable, commissioner, deputy sheriff and sheriff, and for a few years was a member of the state legislature from this district. He leaves twenty grand-children and eleven great-grand children
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1921 - February 21
Father accused of Executing Justice
Jonesboro, Ill., A warrant was issued this afternoon formally charging John Bass, a farmer, with the murder of Johns W. Brunner, 28 years old, who last Wednesday shot and killed Bass' 19 year old daughter, Mary and then shot himself, because the girl refused to marry him. Bass is in the Union County Jail here. The girl was buried this afternoon and Bass attended the funeral in custody of sheriff H.P. Hileman. It at first was believed Brunner killed himself, but a post postmortem examination revealed three gunshot wound in the back of his head, which had been inflicted by smaller caliber bullets than the self-inflicted wound.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1922 - Dec 22
Judge Is Dead
Battle Creek, Mich, Dec. 22 - Judge David W. Karraker of Jonesboro, Ill., died here yesterday from heart disease. Judge Karraker was born near Dongola, Ill., February 12, 1854 and moved to Jonesboro in 1876 to begin the practice of law. He had resided there since. Judge Karraker has served as superintendent of public school, state's attorney, state senator and Judge of thee Union County Court. He was widely known throughout Illinois. He had been president of the State Bank of Jonesboro since it organization in 1893.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1922 - Dec 28
Seven Are Perfect In List of First 300 Words
Castor Oil proved the undoing of Golda Hankla of Cobden, in the annual state spelling bee held in connection with the convention of the state teachers association at Springfield yesterday. In consequence Bernice Bishop of Cuba who was able to spell offhand, the word so repugnant to youth carried off first honors. The second medal went to Miss Hankla and the third to Norman Luster of Herrin. The following contestants tied for fourth place Louise Burroughs - Sidell, Iona Arter - Carrollton, Genevieve Myles - Darwin and Loren Lewis - Benton.....
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1924 - August 4
Is New Industry.
Jonesboro, IL Aug 4 - The growing of cotton in Illinois upon a commercial scale has given birth to a new industry in the state - the ginning of cotton. The Union County Cotton Gin Company has been incorporated by a group of local men to handle the cotton of this locality. The company has a capital of $15,000. Its incorporators are Ernest S. Alden, Harvey A. DuBois, Charles Crawford and James K. Walton.
Printed in Chicago Daily Tribune October 20, 1924
Cairo - A serious accident occurred here. John White of Cobden, IL., had his leg broken in two places and his foot badly mangled when he attempted to board a moving train.
Decatur Evening Herald (Decatur, Illinois) 1927 August 7
Decatur Men Get Peaches From Cobden Orchard
Picking their own peaches from one of the largest peach orchards in southern Illinois was the privilege of four Decatur school men Friday when the spent the day near Cobden, one of the peach shipping centers.
Those in the party were C.W. Evans, business manager of Decatur Schools; Rev. R.E. Honry, President of the school board; R.C. Sayre, principal of the High school; and William Harris, superintendent of Decatur
There were show through a large section of the peach country by L. Walker, cashier of the First National bank of Cobden. One of the orchards visited was that of Judge Charles Miller, who presided at the Birger trial.
Only about half a crop is available this year, the men report. Georgia Belle peaches are about all gone having been shipped out to many fruit centers. Elberas are just about at their height. While the J.H. Hale peach will be ready for marketing next week. Peaches are retailing around $3 and $4 a bushel on the fields. Twenty-five cars of peaches are being shipped from Cobden every day. The local men brought back five or six bushels which they were permitted to pick themselves.
Decatur Evening Herald (Decatur, Illinois) 1928 August 17
Woman 99, Dies - -(by United Press)
Springfield, Aug. 17 – Funeral services were held here Friday for Mrs. Rebecca Angell, 99, this city.
Burial was made in Cobden.
Chicago Tribune - Jan 20, 1929
Wedding Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph E. Ptnkonsly of 2630 North Francisco avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Loretta Ann, to Charles C. Ramage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ramage of Dongola, Ill.
Decatur Evening Herald (Decatur, Illinois) 1930 November 3
Southern Teachers Co-Ed Dies in Crash
Four Others Hurt As Car Overturns
Carbondale, Nov. 3 – Miss Mildred Moreland of Cobden, ILL., sophomore at Southern Illinois Teachers college was killed and four others injured when a car in which they were riding overturned trying to pass a bus near here Sunday.
The injured: Paul Moreland, brother of the dead girl, and driver of the car; John Alcorn and George Giddings, both of East St. Louis and Vesta Moreland 18. The injured were taken to Anna hospital.
Dixon Evening Telegraph (Dixon, Illinois) 1946 - April 25
Assigned to State Hospital
Charles Clutts of Cobden has been assigned as recreation aide at the Dixon state hospital as a new employee.
Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) 1947 - Feb, 3 - Auto Injuries Fatal
St. Louis -(UP) - Mrs. Lulu Dale, 69, Anna, ILL, who was struck by an automobile in Anna Thursday, died of her injuries in Missouri Baptist hospital here yesterday.
The Daily Independent (Murphysboro, Illinois) 1948 - Jan 29
Mrs. Katherine Vitt Kohler, a former Cobden resident passed away in St. Louis, recently. The remains were brought back to Cobden for burial. She will be remembered as the widow of the late Louis Kohler.
Dixon Evening Telegraph (Dixon, Illinois) 1948 December 15
Cobden ILL, Dec 15 – (AP)
Mrs. Alma Watson, 26, Chicago, was killed in an automobile accident here today. A car in which she was riding went off route 51, struck a Christmas tree that was part of city decorations and careened into a steel bridge girder Four other in the car were unhurt including a ten-months-old baby thrown from the wreck.
Daily Herald – Arlington Heights, IL 1953
Park Bark
COBDEN, ILL. _ Mrs. Mayme Fisher’s dog follows her car to the restaurant where she works and sleeps under the automobile all day. When his mistress is ready to leave, the dog stands in the middle of the street and barks all approaching cars to a halt until Mrs. Fischer has safely left her parking place.
Chicago Tribune - August 17, 1975
Auto struck by ...a boat?
Carbondale, Ill. (UPI)
Motorist William D. Stover, 25, of Cobden, Ill., was tooling along 51 Friday night when his car was struck by a boat. State police said the boat is a 15-footer with a 165 horsepower engine.
The craft, mounted on a trailer had broken loose from a car and was rolling down the highway when it struck Stover's car and caused major damages. Authorities were unable to locate the driver of the car towing the boat. He was unaware he had lost his trailer or decided not to stop, they said. Stover was taken to Doctors Hospital here.