General Store
Union County General Store
The Historical Society operates a re-sale shop next door to the museum. The shop features antiques, collectibles, books, gifts, crafts, and other items. Proceeds go to the society for the operation of the museum. The General Store is open during special events. Refer to our Schedule of Events for specific dates.
The General Store is the location for our annual Christmas Bazaar held in late November and early December (refer to Schedule of Events for specific dates). The bazaar features Christmas decorations and gifts at reasonable prices. The sale has become a popular event and attendance is now in the hundreds. You will be amazed at the variety and quality of items available for sale. The museum and Cobden businesses also host a community open house on the first Saturday in December.
The General Store does accept donations of Christmas items and merchandise. We are not able to accept appliances and clothing. Use the information that is listed on the home page to contact the museum concerning donations.